Giving Tuesday 2022

Giving Tuesday 2022 was a Success!

Thanks to over 100 generous donors the Salt Creek Boardwalk Restoration Project is fully funded. Our initial goal was $5,000 to replace four educational exhibits and a trailhead sign at the Salt Creek Boardwalk which was tragically swept away in this year’s flooding. Because of all of our generous donors, we will be able to make the Salt Creek Boardwalk better than ever before. Potential improvements include additional educational exhibits, new information, and more! 

In total, we raised $19,817!

All of this wouldn’t be possible without our donors. You all have made this dream a reality making a tremendous difference in the visitor experience in Death Valley National Park.  DVNHA couldn’t have done this without you and we can’t wait to share more updates as the project moves forward.

The Salt Creek Boardwalk will be closed for repairs until at least Fall 2023. Design, then extensive compliance review (due to pupfish) is needed before construction can start.

Photos of the Wayside Exhibits and Damage