Donate to Support DVNHA Operations

When tragedy struck Death Valley National Park causing an indefinite closure and creating uncertainty for DVNHA. DVNHA’s kind, friendly, and caring staff could no longer greet excited visitors, answer their questions, and assist them with a smile at the bookstore counter. DVNHA had to halt all of its exhilarating, informative, and educational guided tours for an unforeseen amount of time. DVNHA, the heart of Death Valley’s partnership, is wavering with the fear that our mission cannot be fulfilled at this time. This is why we implore you to consider donating to our DVNHA Unrestricted Fund. With your help, we can continue to fulfill our mission, strengthen our partnership with Death Valley NP and Ash Meadows NWR, and be ready to greet all our wonderful visitors once more when ‘the storm’ passes and Death Valley National Park is reopened.