Support DVNHA

Every Donation Helps Pave the Way to Recovery

Death Valley National Park, an emblem of nature’s rugged beauty, has been profoundly affected by the overwhelming floods from Hurricane Hilary. The damage sustained to roads and vital park infrastructure is a stark reminder of nature’s unpredictable force. In a single day, the park bore the brunt of what is typically a year’s worth of rainfall, leading to immense and widespread damage and the closure of the park. Park rangers are diligently assessing and addressing the extensive damage, but the path to recovery is difficult. 

It is not only Death Valley National Park that is affected by the widespread damage. The Death Valley Natural History Association has been impacted as well, and we need your help!

By donating to the DVNHA Unrestricted Fund, you are not only contributing to the DVNHA mission but also helping to support our organization’s resilience in the face of the park shutdown. Every dollar you contribute ensures our organization is able to continue our vital mission.

Events like the August 2023 flood underscore the unpredictable strength of nature. This event requires profound reflection and humility from all of us. Such an occurrence can be both a testament to nature’s strength and a call to action for humanity to respect these forces.

When nature shows its strength, it’s our shared spirit and never–give–up attitude that helps us bounce back. Together, we can face any challenge, turning tough times into a chance to come together and grow stronger.

Please consider donating to help safeguard and restore our ability to continue DVNHA’s mission. This is our call to arms, a plea for unity, and a testament to what we can achieve together. Your contribution, regardless of its size, is an investment in the future of the Death Valley Natural History Association. Thank you for your support.