A Unique Opportunity

We are excited to share a unique opportunity to play an integral role in an ambitious project at Death Valley National Park: transforming a closed landfill into an inspiring night sky viewing area.

To turn this concept into reality, we require $100,000, funding that will be allocated towards the meticulous design and planning of the repurposing effort. The necessary steps include formulating comprehensive architectural and engineering plans, confirming compliance with all environmental guidelines, and procuring the services of expert contractors.

Over the years, we have seen a steady growth in public interest in night sky activities. With this new project, we aim to enhance these experiences for our visitors and provide a dedicated space for them to marvel at the night sky’s beauty.

Your contributions will help us take this project from paper to reality. Every donation will be a step towards creating this viewing area, significantly improving the visitor experience and making Death Valley National Park an even more attractive destination for nature lovers and stargazers alike.

The Planning Process

Architectural and Engineering Services

These are essential for creating a blueprint for repurposing this space. With your support, we can ensure the site’s transformation is not only aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Compliance and Contracting

A significant part of the funds will be used to ensure that all environmental and construction regulations are met, and to hire necessary contractors.

The Design Process

After the planning process is complete, here’s a glimpse of what we hope to ultimately achieve with your support:

Paved Access

The former landfill site will be transformed with a paved entrance road, providing all visitors with smooth access to the viewing area.

Ample Parking

We plan to create a spacious parking area with room for 40 cars and 3-4 buses or RVs, ensuring plenty of space for visitors, volunteers, and staff.

Telescope Viewing Areas

To make the magic of stargazing accessible to all, a paved telescope viewing area will be installed.

Accessible Trail

A wheelchair-friendly trail will be established, connecting the parking area to the viewing areas and making the site accessible to everyone.

Public Restrooms

Essential facilities like vault-style toilets will be provided for visitor convenience.