Star Wars Tour

Photo credit NPS

20 Mule Team Canyon

FILM: Star Wars: Episode VI- Return of the Jedi

SCENE: Jabba the Hutt’s Palace

DESCRIPTION: Follow the footsteps of R2D2 and C-3PO as they made their way towards Jabba’s Palace as part of Luke Skywalker’s plot to free Han Solo. Walk, bike or drive this road to get the full experience.

Photo credit NPS

Dantes View

FILM: Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope

SCENE: Mos Eisley Overlook

DESCRIPTION: A wise old Jedi and a young Luke Skywalker once stood atop this iconic ridge, overlooking Mos Eisley. Share the view from the viewing platform or hike along the ridge line for a more challenging visit!

Artists Palette

FILM: Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope

SCENE 1: Jawas’ Sandcrawler

DESCRIPTION: Scavenge the desert for droids and return your findings to the Jawas! Their Sandcrawler was located just south of the turn into the Artists Palette parking lot.

SCENE 2: R2D2 solo trek

DESCRIPTION: Join R2D2 on their solo journey up the desert canyon! This scene was filmed in the wash in front of the colorful hills of Artists Palette.

Photo credit NPS

Desolation Canyon

FILM: Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope

SCENE: Tusken Raider Attack

DESCRIPTION: Keep an eye out for creatures near the mouth of this canyon. Perhaps you will come across Tusken Raiders riding their banthas! This is a 3.6 mile out and back moderate trail located off of Badwater Road.

Photo credit NPS

Golden Canyon

FILM: Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope

SCENE: Jawas watch R2D2

DESCRIPTION: Pay attention to your surroundings as you never know where Jawas may be hiding. Perhaps behind some rock formations? There are several different hikes you can take from Golden Canyon depending on your desired activity level.

Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes

FILM: Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope

SCENE: Tatooine Dunes

DESCRIPTION: Walk along the sand dunes where R2D2 and C-3PO landed in their escape pod after fleeing Darth Vader. Visit the sand dunes at sunset or sunrise to catch the dramatic shadows on the dunes.