DVNHA Unrestricted Fund

The DVNHA Unrestricted Fund is like the expansive root system of the arrowweed, always working beneath the surface, drawing nutrients to ensure the entire plant thrives. Just as the arrowweed depends on its roots to withstand the harsh desert conditions, our association relies on this fund to navigate challenges and remain steadfast in our mission.

By keeping the doors of DVNHA open, the Unrestricted Fund allows us to gather resources and rally support for the breathtaking expanse of Death Valley NP and Ash Meadows NWR. Think of each donation as the life-sustaining water the arrowweed draws from the desert floor, fueling the growth of its shoots and flowers. While there are many ways to give directly to the parks, supporting the Unrestricted Fund is like ensuring that the arrowweed’s roots remain healthy and strong. In doing so, you’re ensuring the vitality of the entire ecosystem around it. Your generosity towards this fund not only ensures the immediate survival of DVNHA but also paves the way for future generations to marvel at and learn from the stories and wonders of these unique landscapes.

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Every Donation Helps Pave the Way to Recovery